Sunday, April 26, 2009

The other one

i am amused by pictures,
i've just realized. 
the notion that one might capture drunken mondays
with a flash, some plastic.

how conveneint;
every bright eyed memory that you made 
among friends and frenemies alike will be remembered 
in binary, in technocolor, long after you've lost sight and recollection.

and yet we pose.
leaning, yelling, squatting, redfaced, in ecstatic self-portrait,
preserved in perpetuity. oh, the beers we drank 
and the sober boys who handed them to us; oh, the catfights,
the tears cast like spears in violence,
torn dresses; broken, mended friendships:
spiders and wolves in sheep's clothing and sundresses.
would that i might see that bitch in an album, her biting smile,
that i might hate her still, in decade-old jealousy.


Amazing as always.

Friday, April 24, 2009

This house screams of memories

I came home wanting to listen to a very specific song. Got to my computer started playing it and realized the drums were way too faded. My computer jack that I connect my stereo to is brokst. This is a tragedy. I don't even know how it got brokst. 

with my bloody lips, and your broken arms, we'll turn into one and we'll sing the same song. with my sinking feet and your heavy heart, no don't you start. no don't you start this again.

Times like these you have to try to not get your hopes up. 
The spirit can handle anything but loathes being tried.

I really hope this weekend works out/I'll do whatever I can to make it work

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We are the image of the invisible

-Hell week is over. I'm fine, I didn't have to do anything terribly gay, and for the most part it was fun. I also got to see what a lot of people are made out of. Truth be told, when done right, pledging is one of the most successful manipulations of the human psyche. Going into the process determined to not join a fraternity and seeing where I am now is ridiculous. Put a group of guys through ridiculous shit and they'll either bond or crack. 'Brother' is no longer an exaggeration for me. 

-New rule: Always use infer and imply incorrectly. Just do it.

-I like when people ask me about fraternities and stuff now. I don't know why. This is me inferring that you all should comment on this post

-I had my first encounter with true sleep deprivation both first and second-hand. I think it's worse than starvation. 

-I took a stance and didn't balks down

-The concert was amazing. Damn, I love performing.

-Secret: I still get nervous when I play for audiences

-I got kidnapped by Kelly and was forced to go to practice unprepared. I had to cold read one of the exercises, and even though I learned it relatively fast (fast enough for nobody except andre to know that I didn't know it), I absolutely hate being unprepared. I'm also gonna have to change my technique again. It took me an entire summer to master what I considered a downgrade in technique quality, and now I'm gonna have to learn something entirely new. At least it will be better than both strategies I had been using.

-I'm frickin stoked about next year's line. We're gonna be phenomenal. 

-Time for bed. I might try and eat breakfast tomorrow. Just because. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hot Fuss pt 2

Got my paper balks today. The one that was complete bullshit. Got an A-. Yep.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hocus Pocus

I had liked this song for a while now, I'm down with any song chock-full of guitar, drum, and flute solos (yes, flute solos). 

Matt asked me if I had seen a video of them playing it live . I said I hadn't. Ohh maaan.

I've never wanted to be a rock star more. This guy is AWESOME.

Biggest mystery of the Obama White House

The biggest mystery of the Obama White House's first 100 days has been revealed: The first puppy -- the one that the Washington press corps has been yelping about for months -- is a 6-month-old Portuguese water dog given to Malia and Sasha as a gift by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. The little guy's name? Bo.

Jesus... Did I really need an email for that? You're doing, Washington Post... 


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

my type of humor

Click on it and make sure to read the text-over

Friday, April 3, 2009

We've learned to run from
Anything uncomfortable
We've tied our pain below 
And no one ever has to know

That inside we're broken
I tried to patch things up again 
To cut my tears and kill my fears
But have I told you how I..

I'm not going 
Cause I've been waiting for a miracle
And I'm not leaving
I won't let you
Let you give up on a miracle
Cause it might save you

It's not faith if you use your eyes

Screw you, Josh Farro.  Think you're better than me?

(I know you're better than me...doesn't mean I can't call you a bitch...but if you want to, feel free to call me...seriously)

(but seriously, if you're trying to be friends...)

Mr. and Mrs. Elliot

"At first Hubert had no idea of marrying Cornelia... one day in the little back room of the shop they had been dancing to the gramophone while her girl friend was in the front of the shop and she had looked up into his eyes and he had kissed her. He could never remember just when it was decided that they were to be married. But they were married."

Hemingway used to always leave me unsettled and I hated him for that. He still does, but I think I appreciate it more. His characters always have some hidden wrong that never gets mentioned and isn't even necessarily evident at first glance. The ability to convey that kind of depth in a two or three page story is remarkable. Kudos to Hemingway.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Finding solace at the bottom of a Solo
Flying solo among friends
It never ends
It never ends