Monday, October 26, 2009

"Poetry was never really my thing"

Is what I'll tell people when I'm grown

Boy: I think that love is like a game of hide and seek. You spend your time looking for someone and hiding from the people you don't like until the right person comes along.

Girl: I think you're wrong.
Boy: So what do you think love is like?
Girl: Love is like russian roulette. It's the gun at your temple. One bullet. And the rest are blanks. You pull the trigger. Hear the gunshot. Feel the recoil.
Boy: And?
Girl: It's a blank. But you're still waiting for the one that's going to blow your mind.

Boy: So am I your bullet?
Girl: No. Just another blank.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

So the hardest part about blogging after a looooong hiatus is finding something worthy to blog about. I'm simply not going to be able to do that.

But I did find some random thoughts from balks when I did blog in my balkspalks just now and I think that I can start from there and build up (which seems much more appealing to me as of late anyhow).

So in no particular order, here are the things I was thinking about last summer:

-Karma isn't really that much of a bitch if you really think about it....
-That's hear rending. Nobody should be ready for that. How can you be?
-Friends make a lot of things better. Thanks Phillip.
- (not my thought) *picture of a drum* Thanks Hunter Scott
-Good thing Tasia has a bf now
-I've never wanted something so badly

Habits are formed through rehearsal.

I'm really excited about tonight. Historically, the penguins champion everything, especially with Skyy.